Rotten Tomatoes

If you are a movie lover and don't have the time or patience you usually would to look into official movie trailers or reviews; Rotten Tomatoes is your next best bet. With a limited amount of time, or if you simply want to know what others said about a particular movie you are about to watch or have already watched, give Rotten Tomatoes a visit and browse through their endless lists of movie trailers, reviews and ratings. It helps sometimes to read more than one review to get a fair idea of whether or not a certain movie is worth your time. 

Also remember to check the rating height whilst you are looking through reviews. If the bar is above 50% and the icon is a tomato, it is worth watching. However, if the bar is under 50% and the icon is a green splodge, don't even waste your time with that movie. Unless of course you are daring our simply out for a laugh, feel free to give it a test run just to see how truly awful it is. Keep in mind that not everyone who reviews and rates the movies featured on that site know exactly what they are talking about. What may come across as a terrible movie to one person, could be blockbuster worthy to someone else. You won't know for sure until you have given it a watch, but if its trailer is bad and the majority of its ratings and reviews don't shout about it, it would be best to just give it a miss.

If you're someone who is knew to the online movie reviews and have not yet found your merry little way to this website, here: Rotten Tomatoes - and have a blast while you're there. You can also join to leave your own verdicts on movies you think are great, or those you think should never have been released.


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